Our 100% Guarantee

Grillie’s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are so confident you’ll love your Grillie, we will offer you a 100% money back guarantee for 30 days. Being new, we know that people are sometimes hesitant not knowing how well something is made or if it will fit, that they choose not to buy.   And what we also know, having heard it repeatedly from our customers and fans, that they’re always impressed at how nice their Grillie is once they get a chance to hold it in their hands and see the quality live and in person that they’re so happy about their purchase! Many also comment on Grillies being much easier to install than they had anticipated. (Although we do admit, some vehicles are easier than others!)
So with that being said, if for any reason during the first 30 days after purchase your Grillie just isn’t what you anticipated, let us know by email and we’ll issue you a return authorization. Upon receipt of the Grillie in its original packaging, we will gladly return your money. No questions asked.